The Local Pub & Patio
2610 Guadalupe
Austin, TX 78705
“Sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name.” The Local is a favorite watering hole for all walks of life where everyone is welcome…just make sure you respect the Local’s who can be identified by their customized green or red mugs. Want to get your own mug on the wall? Talk to one of the bartenders to get all the rules. If you don’t have it in you to become a full on Local, try your hand at getting on the Big 50 wall by drinking all 50 beers from the list. Just remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint.
Known for their daily drink specials, $1 beer Wednesdays are extremely popular with University of Texas students. Rush over from your last class of the day for Happy Minutes held everyday from 3-3:15PM where you can enjoy $1 draft beers!
Once you’ve had a few beers and are feeling good from the band playing or the jams coming from the jukebox make your way to the backyard to see the best Cornhole players in the city. Think you have what it takes to beat them? Join the Cornhole League and put your money where your mouth is!